The Cafe / Bookstore Program

THE BASICS: We provide select SoCal Christian churches / organizations who have gift / bookstores or Cafes, with high quality, brand new, professionally designed gift products bearing the images of my paintings, free of charge.

At this time, these include coffee mugs, bookmarks, spiral bound journals and greeting cards.

FINANCIAL: We absorb all design, production and admin costs. You order from our website and we deliver the goods to you. There is no financial paperwork involved, there are no donation slips required and no hidden fees. These are donations of our own fully paid-for personal property.

YOU PRICE the items competitively and sell them in your gift / bookstore or cafe, and handle the sales paperwork on your end as usual.

WHY DO WE DO THIS? it's our desire to encourage the internalization and memorization of God's Word. We believe that having an artistic, visual reminder of the scriptures helps Christ Followers to stay focused on the Word and reinforces a Biblical world view.

In addition, we know that these paintings and items can be 'conversation starters' with friends or colleagues who do not yet know Jesus.

We are able to absorb the cost of design, production and admin; this is an Offering over and above our Tithe.

Contact me directly to find out how we may be able to work together.

June Berger  /  323.326.7145   /