I am a Christian artist and graphic designer. The inspiration for my work is the truth and wisdom of Old & New Testament scripture.
It's my mission to encourage the internalization and memorization of God's Word. And I believe that having an artistic, visual reminder of the scriptures helps Christ Followers to stay focused on the Word and reinforces a Biblical world view.
In addition, I know that these paintings and items can be 'conversation starters' with friends or colleagues who do not yet know Jesus.
And last, but definitely not least, I want my life's work to glorify God in thanks for the gifts He has given me.
My work is mainly in oils and acrylics along with some mixed media. It is colorful, lively with meaningful, inspired by the Word and the beautiful canyons of SoCal where my husband Michael Hines and I live.
Besides what is available on this site, original paintings, prints, hand-embellished prints, gifts and products are available on junebergerart.com